If I had no other interests in the world, I’d try to start this league. There are sports leagues for everything! Baseball is one of the three most popular team sports in the country. Women play softball and they have softball at most colleges and they play for national championships. It seems reasonable to me that if minor league baseball can survive, then so could women’s softball.
I don't have any details for it figured out – because, after all, I’ve had tons of other interests. But, one thing I did work out was the names of the eight teams, which I think are clever. It would also be true that in order for this league to work, it would need to be as sexy as possible – not necessarily bikinis or anything, but lots of pinks.
Kansas City Snazz – a play off Jazz which KC is known for and Snazzy – term used for flashy and fashionable.
New York Queens – a play off the borough of Queens and the fact that they aren’t Kings. If Sacramento (NBA) and Los Angeles (NHL) can have Kings, New York can have the Queens.
Las Vegas Go Girls – a play off the idea of go-go girls which Vegas is known for as well as the fact that the term “Go Girl” is part of “You Go Girl” – a liberating term for women.
New Orleans Hose – a play off the idea that the French Quarter is known for… let’s just say… female companionship. But, also the logo would be a woman with a black fishnet stocking up to mid-thigh.
LA Diamonds – a play off the idea that Los Angeles is known for glitz and glamour and nothing is glitzier than a diamond - a girl's best friend. And, a diamond is another name for baseball's infield.
Miami Hot – a play off the idea that the men’s basketball team is the “Heat” so the women’s baseball team should go one better. And, Miami is a hot place to live.
Denver Peaks – a play off the idea of the Rockies, of course and, let’s just be honest… breasts. If restaurant chains can be called Hooters, Breasteraunts and Twin Peaks, they can have a Denver Peaks softball team.
Chicago Broads – a play off the idea that Chicago is the City of Broad Shoulders and broads is a term that is associated with not just women, but tough women.
All games played on Saturday and Sunday – daytime doubleheaders. Each team plays two series with each other team – 14 total – 56 games. Two conferences of four teams each. Two division winners get home field in playoffs against next two best records. Best 3/5. Double header at one location, double header at the other and final game (if necessary) back at original team’s home field. WPSL World Series best 4/7. Double header at one location, three games at second location, double header back at original location.
Could it make money? Maybe. One thing is for sure, the cost for the players wouldn’t be that much. I mean, they have women's roller derby for crying out loud!
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